Looking for a different kind of guest speaker for your next event?
Len Waters is skilled at communicating his deep sense of connection to Country and culture to all age groups. His deep insights are both inspiring and invigorating, leaving his audiences with a renewed view of their own world. Listening more, seeing more, feeling more and appreciating more of their own environment.
Previous events that Len has provided guest presentations for include NAIDOC, Australia Day, ANZAC Day, the Music Festival events, regional industry awards, art exhibition launches, school presentation nights and in-school cultural education for clients as diverse as local councils and government agencies, preschools, schools, universities, non-government agencies and mining companies.
Len’s presentations bring ancient values and wisdom into the present day. Find yourself on a journey of rediscovery and you might even find YOURSELF…
Contact Len for enquiries

“I was a parent out there yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thankyou for sharing your stories with the kids and I found the smoking ceremony amazing”
— Parent, Timbumburi Public School

“Wonderful to see such positive respect for such rich Aboriginal culture...looking forward to learning more from you this year Len.”
— Margaret, tour participant