Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 29 Place names - Nemingha Place where the two rivers meet

Barran - Burren Junction
Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 28 Let's keep exploring place names - Burren Junction Barran - boomerang Yaama maliyaa - Hello friends...

Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 27 Continuing with our little series of local place names. Timbumburi - lots of sheep Dhimba - sheep ...

Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 26 Maniila-y Maniila-y - place you go hunting / hunting grounds Namoi - acacias Ngamu - breast,...

Maaru Nguwalay Yana-la-ya
Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 25 This week I've got another phrase for you to use - "Go well here" Maaru Nguwalay Yana-laya - Go...

Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 24 Something inspirational for today's Word of the Week Giyal-dhalibaa - Without fear Giyal -...

Burrul / Burrulaa
Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 23 Big - Burrull A lot - Burrulaa Try using burrul and burrulaa with other nouns you already know.

Dhalaa - Where
Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 22 Dhalaa - Where? Manduwii - Shoes Try using Dhalaa with other nouns you've already learned

Animal names
Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 20 Here's some more animal names for you to practice. The mural featured in this video was...

Dhinawan - Emu
Gamilaraay Word of the Week ǀ Week 19 Gaaba Buliyaagu, this morning let's learn a bit about the Dhinawan Dhinawan - Emu Dhuluuma-y -...